Friday, June 20, 2008

Soooooooooo Big!

Our "baby", Kristin turned seven years old yesterday.
Wow. Sounds old to me. Six year olds can still be in kindergarten...they are just out of the preschool stage. (Kristin was actually in 1st grade last year...)
But is almost eight which is almost ten. Seven can put a person in the middle years of elementary school. Seven is undoubtedly BIG GIRL TERRITORY!
Happy Birthday, Kristin! It is going to be a great year of learning and growing. I love being your mama!


julie martin said...

great picture of her toothless little face. enjoy your baby, ferbie!

Anonymous said...

OK...first you have to promise not to laugh!! Agreed?? I think it's safe to tell you how silly I feel. I'm not sure why, but I just get the biggest kick out of it when Julie calls you Ferbie!! Makes me wonder if Bone, Millikan and LoneKa are still in use...

Deb said...

of course they are still in use, brian!!! my kids call my sister 'aunt bone'...millikan-scare has been pared down to just 'scare'. lone ka is loney! having ferb as my nickname has been handy 'cause as you know, marcia and dan's boys have two aunt i've been aunt ferba all these years! go figure. my parents both call me ferb...even david calls me ferba now and then. i get asked about it all the time. it is hard to explain!