I get so bummed when I see that our children don't realize what amazing people they are! I know I am biased, but they are a good-looking, creative, kind, fun bunch of people...and I don't think they have a clue. It is so obvious to David and to me...proud parents that we are!
I think I am JUST LIKE THEM...I do not see myself as my Father in Heaven sees me. This is not good. His view, the true view is what I need to see and agree with and live 'into'. Any other view, a disagreement with Him, says that I know better (yikes, original sin!).
Bree asked me today, "How do we pray for people that do not want God's help?". I am thinking hard on that one this afternoon. And I am thinking that very frequently I am one of those people...unless difficult times are pending, I have the 'I can handle it' attitude. Which totally flies in the face of "...without Him we can do nothing" (Jn. 15:5)
David and I had a nice visit in our Adirondak chairs this morn on our front porch speaking of this very thing...why is it that so many times we are not feeling fulfilled as believers in Jesus? I think it is because we think we have to try and try to live this life that we were never meant to live! Our wonderful Mrs. Nancy Murdoch, an amazing woman of God that has taught us so much, often says that the perfect Christian life was never meant for us to live...that only one Person lived it and as we allow Him the freedom, He lives it through us. Oh, if I could let that thought go from my head to my heart!
1 comment:
great reminder, ferbadella, thanks for preaching it to me today!
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